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Jl. Raya Kuta, Mandalika, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat. 83573

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Frequently Asked Questions

We are open all year round, so any time is good. As our program can be enjoyed for as short a time as one week, you can come whenever your schedule allows. Please just aim to arrive on a Sunday in preparation for starting on the following Monday.

There are many choices of flights from Asia, Europe, USA, Australia and so on. The time of flight and transit are varied. Please talk to your travel agent or have a look online for prices and routes. Once you have arrived in Bali, it takes about an hour from Ngurah Rai International Airport to the BKVLC location.

Some nationalities (for example Singaporean) do not require a visa to enter Indonesia, however many do. If you are not sure for your country you can check online.

The easiest visa for you to get is called a ‘Visa On Arrival - VOA’. This is paid for upon arrival into Indonesia and will cost USD25. It will last for 30 days, but once you are here we can help you extend it for another 30 days if necessary.

If you intend to stay for more than two months you would require a social visa. Please contact us if this is your plan so we can help you.

Finally, it is important to remember that you will get taxed IDR 150,000 on departure. Please pay attention: if your passport will expire within 6 months, we advise you to renew it.

From Ngurah Rai International Airport to Kemenuh village, Sukawati, it takes about an hour and costs IDR 300,000 (about US $ 30).

There are Taxi’s available at the airport or if you want us to pick you up for the same price just let us know in advance.

Try to change some money before you come. If you run out of time there are many places at the airport to do it. If you prefer to use an ATM there are many all over Bali using Cirrus, Plus, Visa and MasterCard.

Please inform your bank and credit card company of your trip to Indonesia to avoid difficulties with using your card in the ATM’s here. Asia loves Visa or Master Card. Several restaurants and shops use American Express.

There are many international medical clinics in Bali. Since the Bali bombings, the Indonesian government spent enormous budget on increasing local and private hospitals. The clinics usually do not take health insurance from your country so it is important that you take out a Travel Insurance policy before you leave your home country.

If there is an emergency situation requiring specialist treatment you will be evacuated to Singapore or other neighboring countries.

Yes, Bali is safe. In 2003 and 2005 there were bombing incidents in the party area of Kuta, south Bali. The Indonesian government responded to this with a dramatic increase in security.

These incidents in no way reflect the actions of the Balinese people, or indeed the Indonesian people as a whole.

You will find that Balinese people are some of the kindest and friendliest on earth. There is very little or no crime, especially in the villages where our project is based. Of course we recommend that you remain alert, but no more than you would at home.

Remember, you will not be staying in an International Hotel or partying all night long at a discotheque in Bali. You will be living in a bungalow, guesthouse or even family home, in the middle of the rice fields, in a small village.